Thursday, February 10, 2011

Chapter 11: Guess Who´s Coming to Dinner... the Morning After....

Chapter 11: Teaser!!!!!!!

I can´t thank everyone enough for all the great reviews for chapter 10!  


I was totally blown away by all the love and support.
So far, chapter 10 has received over 100 reviews!

You guys fuckin Rock!!!! 

My readers are totally kick ass!!! 

In appreciation to that you´ll get your Mistress Rose outtake! 
Hope you enjoy this little peek into chapter 11!

Will they finally meet?
You´ll just have to wait and see!!!

The elevator ride was so quiet – you could hear a pin drop. It stopped briefly to pick up the guys on the VIP floor, along with Laurent – who personally escorted us to the car parked in the private garage.

I crawled into the backseat along with Alice and Rosalie, pressed myself tightly against the door and cried... all the way home.

Jasper pulled into the garage and cut the engine, a collective sigh was heard amidst the awkward silence that was now encompassing the car. Rose was the first to break it. ¨Come on B, let´s get you inside and in a warm bath.¨ she said placing a hand on my shoulder.

I was certain that her touch was meant to be one of comfort, but to me it just felt wrong; I involuntarily flinched because it burned, but not in a good way.  No, this touch – her touch – was not what I wanted.  It wasn´t what I needed.  It wasn´t the touch my body craved.  I was so caught up by the barrage of new emotions I was dealing with that I didn´t even bother to respond.

I just sat there, like a statue.  I felt as if a part of me had died, or at  the very least, had been lost to me forever.

Little did I know, but my mentoring Mistress wasn´t in the mood for my shit, gone went the caring and concerned friend and out came the hardcore, no bullshit taking Domme.  

¨Isabella, you have exactly five minutes to be waiting for me outside the door of your bathroom.  I want you naked and kneeling in your submissive position.¨ Mistress barked.  ¨I don´t think you want me to punish you.  Now  go!¨

Unable to break free from my submissive state of mind, I followed my Mistress´ instructions as if it were second nature.  A fresh round of tears began to fall, as thoughts of Sir´s commanding, yet sexy voice flooded my mind.

How was it possible to feel such a strong connection with a total stranger?  Well not total stranger; he does know my pussy better than anyone, and if I had my way that would never change.

Caught up in my own convoluted thoughts; it wasn´t until I opened the car door to climb out that I realized... Mistress and I were alone.

That´s funny, I didn´t even remember Jasper, Emmett, nor Alice leaving the car.

This was quickly becoming too much!

In the back of my mind I knew that my separation from Sir was only temporary, but that did nothing to alleviate the pain that weighed heavily on my chest and made it hard for me to breath.

Kneeling naked outside my bathroom door, or anywhere for that matter, felt like an everyday occurrence with me now; I had become just that comfortable with being around Mistress in some state of undress.  Granted I wasn´t usually nude, but I was secure enough in my body to not let it bother me.

Although, Rose was new to our circle; Alice and I never found it embarrassing to see one another in the nude.  Spending so much time together growing up, often found one of us showering, while the other brushed their teeth or took care of some other mundane human need that required our presence in the bathroom at the same time.

I concentrated on my posture and evening out my breathing and was able to ignore Alice bustling about the bathroom in preparation for my bath.  I wasn´t privy to all of it, but I knew that Sir had been very specific about my aftercare.   Little things like those, were making it hard for me to keep the tears at bay, so I gave up on trying and silently they fell.

¨Isabella, come,¨ Mistress commanded reaching out a hand to help me up.   I stumbled slightly as I stood to my feet and headed into the bathroom.

The deliciously calming scent of lavender and jasmine assaulted my senses, it saddened me that I was too wrapped up in my emotions to appreciate the candles and the soft music that played in the background; though there was no denying that the hot bubble bath was a welcoming site.

I slid into the hot water and my muscles immediately began to loosen, as did the thin hold I had on my sanity.  All of the pent up frustration, anxiety, nerves, and my sudden overwhelming sense of abandonment, came crashing down on me.

I buried my hands in my face and wept loudly.  I wept over the loss of love that was never really mine to begin with.  I wept that my first marriage wasn´t a beautiful wedding to the man I loved and filled with all the joy that all little girls dream of, but was a mockery and a sham.  I wept for the small feeling of guilt I had at casting my feelings for Edward aside so easily and replacing in my heart with Sir.

And I wept as I longed for Sir... my Master... by Dominant... in so many ways, he was my first Lover.

¨Isabella, you may speak freely, but remain respectful,¨ Mistress warned.  ¨Would you like to talk about tonight´s scene?  How are you feeling?¨

The more I considered her questions, the more I longed for Sir.

Why couldn´t I be having this conversation with him?

Because you decided on the terms of the contract!  He´s just giving you what you asked for!

¨No, no, no,¨ I cried out to no one in particular.  ¨Why... why did he leave me?¨ I whimpered.  ¨He told me he wouldn´t... he said never... he told me I could trust him.¨  I was feeling desolate and unsure of myself; reality was crashing down on me and fast.  ¨Was I not enough for him?  Has he changed his mind and doesn´t want me anymore?¨  I was so distraught that I didn´t even recognize my own voice.

¨Isabella, it´s okay to feel that way,¨ Mistress told me.  ¨I would be worrying if you weren´t upset.¨  I looked up at her in confusion.  Was I supposed to be on the verge of a mental breakdown?  Is that what he wanted?  Reading the look on my face easily; Mistress put my insecurities to rest.  ¨Endorphins Isabella, they play a big part in what you experienced tonight.  They kind of make you feel like   you´re all over the place.  Under normal circumstances, he would never have left you this way.  

That´s what makes him a good, no... great Dom.¨ she assured me.  ¨I can tell you for a fact that at this very moment; he´s experiencing his own form of withdrawal.  

He wants nothing more than to hold and comfort you.  After sharing something so intense, he wants you both to come down together.¨  Gently cupping my cheek, she urged me to face her, ¨Isabella, I saw the look of pain in his eyes; it nearly killed him to leave you.  

You have nothing to worry about; tomorrow... this will all be over and you guys can be together.  If that´s what you still want, because he damn sure still wants you.¨  I leaned into her touch and let her words give me something hold on to.  Something to get me through the night.

Shortly after our heart to heart and a lot of TLC from my girls – it never ceased to amaze me how Rose could go the the hardass Domme, to my crazy girlfriend in the blink of an eye – we crawled into bed. I snuggled in between Alice and Rose and for the first time since leaving Sir; I felt safe. 

I drifted off into a deep, but restless sleep; dreams of Sir haunted me all through the night.


  1. Damn that going to be one great chapter. Please let them meet. That was heartbreaking to read. She needed him so much and he wasn't there, but I understand that she requested that, still they should have advised her against asking for that since they knew she would need him. I want to cry with her. :(

  2. My heart broke for the 2 of them needing each other as well please let them meet soon!
    Thanks :)

  3. I wanted to cry right along with Bella. Bless her heart. Can't wait to see what they do when they finally realize they were together.

  4. I love it, can not wait to read the whole darn thing!!!
