Saturday, February 12, 2011

Chapter 11: PicTease!!!!!

Helloooooooo Everybody!
Just poping in to give a little naughtiness and the outfits worn to dinner at the Cullen´s before posting 
chapter 11...
Also, we meet yet a new character !!!!

For those of you who are concerned, I´m happy to say that it has been shipped off to the  Betas and I´m just waiting its safe return!!

Hopefully you´ll have it by Sunday!!!

Enjoy the Pics!!!!

 Dr. Carlisle Cullen

Alice´s dress and shoes

 Bella´s Outfit, accessories, and smokey eye look!!


Esme´s Dress and shoes

Pet´s take on playtime with Sir....

Jasper Whitlock

Meet the Masseuse!!
Jane Volturi

Sir Emmett Cullen

 A little more Playtime...

Rosalie´s Dress and Shoes


 Guess Who´s Coming to Dinner!!!!!

Dr. Edward Anthony Masen Cullen

1 comment:

  1. I am soooooo loving the pictures. Thanks so much for taking the time to look for them and to post them.
