Thursday, September 22, 2011


I really hate to do this, but it can't be avoided.  I received an email from bloggersupport stating that I had a picture up that violated something or another.  The thing is that someone  reported me to them.  Listen people, we are all adults, I hope, and there are better ways to handle things.  

This is the comment I received after adding the post: 

Hi, please restore the copyright notice to the image . It's been cropped off the bottom.
By Anonymous on Chapter 18 PicTease!!!!! on 9/11/11

1. It was anonymous!
2. You could have said, if you don´t know how to restore the copyright please take it down!
3. You could have told me how to restore the copyright!
4. You could have left away for me to contact you if I had any questions, because clearly this was important to you!

Since I have to address you anonymously, I have to do it publicly. I meant no disrespect, nor did I disregard your request. and the picture was removed. 
I had no idea how to accomplish what you asked of me, nor did I have any information with which to contact you.  The picture was taken from a tumblr account and it was copied as it was, so I am not responsible for the copyright information going missing.

My assumption was that when something was online and so easy to obtain, there was no issue with using it.  This is all done in fun and meant to be entertaining, so for future references, leave info on how to contact you or how to restore copyright and to whom, or just simply ask me to take the picture down. It´s not necessary to cause waves with blogspot causing my account to be sanctioned or possibly cancelled for an honest mistake!

If it wasn’t you disregard the post!  Sorry this wasn´t anything naughty, but it was a plea for us to handle things like mature adults and give people the opportunity to right a wrong, especially one that wasn´t intentional! Anyone feel free to look around and if you see something that is yours or that shouldn’t be reblogged please let me know and I’ll take care of it!

More fun and naughtiness soon!  

I promise!

Kraz, Mojo & Marley

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